The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Tecophilaea cyanocrocus Leyb.

Place of Publication

Bonplandia (Hannover) 10: 370 (1862)



  • Leybold (1862)

    Leybold , F. 1862. Tecophiliaceae. Bonplandia 10:370-371

  • Eyzaguirre & de la Huerta (2002)

    Eyzaguirre, MT and de la Huerta, R 2002. Tecophilaea cyanocrocus Leyb. (Tecophilaeceae) rediscovered in its natural habitat. Gayana Botánica 59:73-77

  • Watson (2009)

    Watson, J M 2009. Tecophilaea cyanocrocus: demolishing bad science. Herbertia 62:209-240

  • Eyzaguirre & Fonck (2016)

    Eyzaguirre, MT and Fonck, C 2016. Hallazgo de una nueva población de Tecophilaea cyanocrocus Leyb. (Tecophilaeaceae) en la cordillera de Santiago. Chloris Chilensis Año 19. N°2.

  • Watson (2018)

    Watson, JM 2018. The case is on the reappearing blue crocus. Plantsman 17(3): 162-166


Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.