Place of Publication
J. Arnold Arbor. 55(1): 38 (1974a)
Type citation
Based on Leucheria foliosa Phil., “Unicum specimen, idque nodum bene florens et parte inferiore caulis destitutum ex intimis Andibus prov. Santiago attulit orn. Germain.” (Holotype at SGO)
Crisci (1974a)
Crisci, J.V.
1974a. Marticorenia: a new genus of Mutisieae (Compositae). Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 55(1): 38-45
Katinas et al. (2008a)
Katinas, L.
Pruski, J.
Sancho, G.
Tellería, M.C.
2008a. The subfamily Mutisioideae. The Botanical Review 74(4): 469-716
- Crisci (1974a): fig. 5
- Katinas et al. (2008a): fig. 60
Valparaíso and
Distribution and habitat
Restricted to the Andes between the provinces Los Andes and Cordillera (32°45’–33°40’ lat. S), from 2700–3000 m above sea level. It grows in rocky habitats
Classic Locations
Marticorenia foliosa (Phil.) Crisci
Marticorenia foliosa (Phil.) Crisci
Marticorenia foliosa (Phil.) Crisci
Marticorenia foliosa (Phil.) Crisci
Marticorenia foliosa (Phil.) Crisci
Marticorenia foliosa (Phil.) Crisci
Show all locations
Sub-shrub 40–50 cm tall. Flowers from January to May
Key characteristics
Leaves ovate and lobed; receptacle and corolla pubescent, each flower subtended by pelea (small bracts). In the closely related Leucheria it is a herbaceous perennial or annual, never forming a shrub; the leaves are always sessile (Crisci, 1974a).
Crisci (1974a) designates a specimen in LP as the Neotype of the species, since the location of the typical material was unknown until then. In 2001 and thanks to the FONDECYT project initiation 11085016 (2008), the Type specimen was found in the SGO herbarium.