Place of Publication
Phytotaxa 468(1): 28 (2020)
Type citation
CHILE. Atacama Region: In dry and arid hills of Potrero Grande, 27.917°S, 70.017°W, 1427 m, November 1839, C. Gay 86 (holotype P00715612!, isotypes CONC31973!, GH00106992! pro parte, NY4699!)
Semidesert and
Semiarid Andean cordillera
Distribution and habitat
Restricted to the Atacama Region where it grows along the Copiapó river valley above 1000m and adjacent ravines up to 3000m.
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
Malesherbia solanoides var. rugosa (Gay) Bull-Hereñu
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Subshrub up to 80 cm tall.
Key characteristics
Differs from var. solanoides by having rigid and rugose leaves with dentate or serrate margin, thicker and conspicuous veins on the underside and glandular hairs on the upper surface of the leaf. In addition, the flowers have a floral cup (hypanthium) longer than wide, larger than the petals which are coloured comparatively lighter blue (Bull-Hereñu, 2020).