The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Malesherbia paniculata D. Don

Place of Publication

Edinburgh New Philos. J. 2: 323 (1827)

Type citation

CHILE. Coquimbo Region, Caldcleugh s.n. (lectotype, designated by Bull-Hereñu, 2020. F686808!)



  • Don, D. (1827)

    Don, D. 1827. A description of the genus Malesherbia of the flora peruviana; with remarks on its affinities. New Philosophical Journal 2:320-323

  • Ricardi (1967)

    Ricardi , M. 1967. Revisión taxonómica de las Malesherbiaceas. Gayana. Botánica 16:3-139

  • Bull-Hereñu (2020)

    Bull-Hereñu, K. 2020. The genus Malesherbia Ruiz & Pav. (Passifloraceae) in Chile. Phytotaxa 468 (1): 1-44


  • Bull-Hereñu (2020): figs. 1c,d
  • Ricardi (1967): 26 a-g