Place of Publication
Phytokeys 197: 151; figs 1-6 (2022)
Type citation
Chile. Prov. de Antofagasta, Entre Calama y San Pedro de Atacama, Anual, abundante, Expedición al Desierto. 22°41.27'S, 68°28.46'W [estimated from label locality data], 2800 m elevation. 3 January 1944, C. Muñoz 3710 (Holotype: SGO119165)
Simpson et al. (2022)
Simpson, M G
Hasenstab-Lehman, K
Mabry, M E
Muñoz-Schick, M
2022. Johnstonella punensis (Boraginaceae), a new species endemic to the dry Puna of Chile. PhytoKeys 197: 149-164.
Desert and
Andean desert
Distribution and habitat
Known from only six collections ranging from near La Taira (just south of Reserva Nacional Alto Loa) south to near Cuadrilla Díaz (just southwest of Parque Nacional Llullaillaco). Elevation range from ca. 2800 to 3420 m. It occurs in the south-western dry Puna region near the eastern margin of the Atacama Desert (Simpson, 2022).
Conservation status
Data Deficent
(Simpson et al. (2022))
Annual herb, 10-15 cm tall. Flowering January or June (flowering time probably dependent on rainfall (Simpson, 2022).
Key characteristics
Johnstonella punensis resembles J. diplotricha and J. parviflora in having nutlets that are marginally sharp-angled, but differs in having nutlets lacking a lineate-rimmed margin and in having a surface that is dimpled to rugulose and lacking tubercles (Simpson, 2022).