The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Homalocarpus bowlesioides Hook. & Arn.

Place of Publication

Bot. Misc. 3(8-9): 348 (1833)

Type citation

"Cordillera de Chili" Cuming 277, 1832 (Holotype: K; Isotypes: BM)



  • Hooker J.D. (1833a)

    Hooker, W.J 1833. Contributions towards a flora of South America & the islands of the Pacific. Botanical Miscellany, vol. 3(8-9):129-211, 302-367. London: John Murray

  • Mathias & Constance (1965)

    Mathias, M.E and Constance , L. 1965. A revision of the genus Bowlesia Ruiz. & Pav. (Umbelliferae-Hydrocotyloideae) and its relatives. University of California Publications in Botany 38: 61– 63, f. 25, 27b. 1965


  • Mathias & Constance (1965): Fig. 24 (a-g)