The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Haplopappus mieresii P. Medina & Nic. Garcia

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Chile Region de Coquimbo: Provincia de Choapoa, entre los Fundos Tipay y El Romero, cerro Campanario, 1202 m, 32°0'33"S, 71°6'59"W, 8 February 2016, P. Medina 3393 (holotype EIF!; isotypes SGO!, CONC!, SI!, MO!).


  • García et al. (2018)

    García, N. , Medina, P. and Morales, V. 2018. Haplopappus mieresii sp. nov. (Asteraceae) and the reinstatement of H. reicheanus from central Chile. Phytotaxa 376(2): 103–113


  • García et al. (2018): Fig. 1, 2.