Place of Publication
Euphorbia World 11(1): 26 (2015)
Type citation
Region Atacama; close to Huasco, at 200 m a.s.l., 14.09.2008. Holotype: EW 08-004a (SGO157326); Isotype: EW 08-004 (B. EW 08-4004)
Desert and
Coastal desert and semidesert
Distribution and habitat
Only known from the vicinity of Huasco. Found scattered in screes of coastal mountains at over 150 m above sea level.
Key characteristics
Compared to E. thinophila, E. melicae has a much more looser and open habit. Unlike E. porphyrantha, the roots are more robust and exude latex when damaged and the leaves are more slender. Its habit is prostrate unlike the more erect habit of E. porphyrantha (Ewest, 2015).