Place of Publication
Eriosyce (Cactac.) gen. revis. & ampl.: 119 (1994)
- Echinocactus occultus Phil.
- Hildmannia occulta (Phil.) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neochilenia occulta (Phil.) Backeb. ex Dölz
- Neoporteria occulta Britton & Rose
- Nichelia occulta (Phil.) Bullock
- Pyrrhocactus occultus (K.Schum.) F.Ritter
- Pyrrhocactus occultus F.Ritter, nom. inval. var. spinosior
- Pyrrhocactus philippianus Faúndez
Kattermann (1994)
Kattermann, F. 1994. Eriosyce (Cactaceae): The genus revised and amplified. Succulent Plant Research 1–176
Hoffmann & Walter (2004)
Hoffmann J., A.E. and Walter M., H.E. 2004. Cactaceas en la Flora Silvestre de Chile, 2nd edition. Fundación Claudio Gay
- Kattermann (1994): Fig. 22: 1; Pl. 17: 5
Desert and Desert fog oases (Lomas)
Distribution and habitat
Found in the southern part of the Antofagasta region, in the surroundings areas of Taltal, at elevations of 50 to 600 m above sea level. The population is estimated to be less than 1000 individulas and no poipulation has more than about 50 plants. It occurs on small cliffs in dry environments (Hoffmann & Walter 1989).
Conservation status
- Endangered B1ab(v)
- Kattermann (1994)
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.