The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Chorizanthe dasyantha Phil.

Place of Publication

Linnaea 33(1-4): 227 (1864)

Type citation

Ghile. San Felipe de Aconcagua, 01-01-1863, Landbeck s.n., (lectotype SGO 47954, designated by Reveal (2004) p. 14



  • Philippi R.A. (1864a)

    Philippi, R.A. 1864. Plantarum novarum Chilensium centuriae, includis quibusdam Mendociuis et Patagonicis. Linnaea 33(heft 1-4): 1-308

  • Reveal (2004)

    Reveal, J.L. 2004. Nomenclatural summary of Polygonaceae subfamily Eriogonoideae. Harvard Papers of Botany 9(1): 143-230.

  • Teillier et al (2019)

    Teillier, S , Macaya-Berti, J and Novoa, J 2019. Revisión de Chorizanthe R. Br. ex Benth. (Polygonaceae) en Chile. Gayana Botánica 79(1) 34-60


  • Teillier et al (2019): Figs: 1,2