The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Carex quinquin Jim.-Mejías & Dorr

Place of Publication

Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 103(4): 601 (2018)

Type citation

Meyer (1831): tab. IV, Uncinia trichocarpa (lectotype, designated by Jim.-Mejías & Dorr (2018). Figures 1, 4D, H.



  • Jiménez-Mejías & Dorr (2018)

    Jiménez-Mejías, P. and Dorr, L. J. 2018. The Quinquín Sedges: Taxonomy of the Carex phleoides Group (Cyperaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 103(4): 591-603

  • Muñoz-Schüler et al (2024)

    Muñoz-Schüler, P , García-Moro, P , Márquez-Corro, J I , Penneckamp,, D , Sanz-Arnal, M , Martín-Bravo, S and Jiménez-Mejías, P 2024. The Genus Carex (Cyperaceae) in Chile: A General Update of Its Knowledge, With an Identification Key. Gayana Botánica 80(2):103-132.