Place of Publication
Syst. Bot. 30: 397 (2005)
Type citation
Chile V Región de Valparaíso. Prov. de Quillota: Cuesta el Melón, Südauffahrt, 12 Nov. 1994, Ehrhart & Grau 94/264 [Holotype: MSB]
Coquimbo and
Temperate Forests and
Relict coastal forest
Distribution and habitat
Calceolaria rubiginosa has a 200 km distribution along the coastal cordillera and pre-andean slopes from Puerto Oscura (Region Coquimbo) to Cuesta el Melón (Region Valparaiso). It grows in shady locations or in coastal forests of sclerophyllous vegetation or sometimes in more open locations (Ehrhart, 2005).
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Calceolaria rubiginosa C.Ehrh.
Shrub 80-150 cm tall
Key characteristics
This species is similar to C, georgiana (especially the northern populations) and differ by having a different leaf indumentum; a key character of C. rubiginosa is the rust colour indumentum on the underside of the leaf. Northern populations often grow in open sunny places forming compact bushes to about 60 cms tall with a poorly formed inflorescence and leaves with a wide-winged petiole and joined across the nodes, similar to C. georgiana . In contrast, the plants of the southern populations develop to almost 1.5 m tall laxly branched bushes with leaves that have only small-winged petioles (Ehrhart, 2005)
Calceolaria rubiginosa can form hybrids with C. angustifolia, C. ascendens, C. integrifolia and C. morisii.