The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Cranfillia longicauda (C.Chr.) Gasper & V.A.O.Dittrich

Place of Publication

Phytotaxa 275: 208 (201)

Type citation

“Juan Fernandez: Masafuera, in Quebrada de las Casas, n:r 465, 28.8.1908”. C. Skottsberg


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    Marticorena , C. and Rodríguez, R. 1995. Flora de Chile, Vol. 1 Pteridophyta-Gymnospermae. Universidad de Concepción

  • Skottsberg (1920)

    Skottsberg, C. 1920. The Pteridophytes of the Juan Fernandez Islands . In The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island 2, Botany, ed C. Skottsberg, C. , pp. 1-58. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells

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    Christensen, C.F.A. 1910. On some species of ferns collected by Dr. Carl Skottsberg in Temperate South America. Arkiv för Botanik utgivet av K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien 10(2)

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    Stuessy, T.F. , Crawford, D.J. , López-Sepúlveda, P. , Baeza, C.M, and Ruiz, E.A. 2017. Plants of Oceanic Islands Evolution, Biogeography, and Conservation of the Flora of the Juan Fernández (Robinson Crusoe) Archipelago. Cambridge University Press.

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  • Skottsberg (1920): fig. 5