Place of Publication
Gayana, Bot. 74(1): 229-232: 230 (2017)
Type citation
Provincia Última Esperanza. Archipiélago Madre de Dios, Isla Tarlton. 25 m s.m. (50°21’S – 75°22’W). 26- II-2013. E. Teneb 792 (CONC 177963).
Rodríguez & Guzman (2017)
Rodríguez R., R. and Guzman, M. 2017. Asplenium patagonicum (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta) nueva especie para Chile. Gayana. Botánica 74(1): 229-232
Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos and Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
Temperate Forests, Valdivian rainforest and Patagonian Steppe and Andean Subpolar Forests
Distribution and habitat
It has a disjunct distribution with several populations known from the Provinces of Cautín, Ranco and Osorno. The other populations are on a few islands in the Province of Última Esperanza. It occurs from 10 to 320 m above sea level on the forest floor, on fallen trees and sometimes in limestone crevices in sunny places.
Plants 10-25 cm tall.