The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Asplenium macrosorum Bertero ex Colla

Place of Publication

Herb, Pedem. 6: 205 (1836)


  • Colla (1836c)

    Colla, A. 1836. Herbarium pedemontanum juxta methodum naturalem dispositum additis nonnullis stirpibus exoticis ad universos ejusdem methodi ordines exhibendos, vol. 6:1-606. Torino: ex Typis regiis

  • Stuessy (2017)

    Stuessy, T.F. , Crawford, D.J. , López-Sepúlveda, P. , Baeza, C.M, and Ruiz, E.A. 2017. Plants of Oceanic Islands Evolution, Biogeography, and Conservation of the Flora of the Juan Fernández (Robinson Crusoe) Archipelago. Cambridge University Press.