The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Arenaria pleurantha Phil.

Place of Publication

Anales Univ. Chile 81: 763 (1892)

Type citation

Chile, [Los Lagos/Aysén],Río Palena, I/II-1887, F. Delfin s.n. [HerbariumFriderici Philippi no. 2136] (lectotype, SGO000001938!, designated by Iamonico, 2022; isolectotypes, K000471612!; SGO 000001939!)


  • Philippi R.A. (1892a*)

    Philippi, R.A. 1892. Plantas nuevas Chilenas de la familia Crucíferas, Bixáceas, Violáceas, Polygáleas. Anales de la Universidad de Chile 81:65-86, 177-195, 329-347, 489-498

  • Iamonico (2022)

    Iamonico, D 2022. Nomenclatural notes on species of the genus Arenaria (Caryophyllaceae) in Chile. Darwiniana 10(1):187-192