The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Alstroemeria werdermannii subsp. flavicans (Muñoz-Schick) J.M.Watson & A.R.Flores

Place of Publication

Herbertia 63: 109 (2009 (2010))

Type citation

Based on A. werdermannii var. flavicans M. Muñoz-Schick, Gayana Bot. (2000) 57(1): 57.



  • Muñoz-Schick (2000a)

    Muñoz Schick, M. 2000. Novedades en la Familia Alstroemeriaceae. Gayana. Botánica 57(1): 55-59

  • Watson & Flores (2009(2010))

    Watson, J.M. and Flores, A.R. 2009 (2010). A rare new subspecies and change of rank in Alstroemeria L. (Alstroemeriaceae) for taxa narrowly endemic to Chile's Atacama region. Herbertia 63: 101-117


  • Muñoz-Schick (2000a): 57 (fig. 3)