Place of Publication
Int. Rock Gard. 102: fig, 7-17 (2018)
Type citation
CHILE. V Región de Valparaíso, Provincia de Los Andes, Los Ranchillos, between the Chacabuco pass and Rungue, 2.8 km N of Rte G-105-E, 1442 m. 32º55'S 70º42' W, 19 November 2014, F& W 12815 (holotype: SGO!, isotypes: CONC!, Herb. Watson & Flores!).
Watson et al. (2018)
Watson, J. M. , Flores, A. and Rojas, G. 2018. A Rare, narrowly endemic new species of Alstroemeria (Alstroemeriaceae) from the transversal Andean foothills of Central Chile, and its interesting ecology. International Rock Gardener 102: (25-54).